Figure Out What Size Water Heater Tank You Need

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How do I figure out how many gallons I need for my water heater?

Figure Out What Size Water Heater Tank You Need

Water Heater tanks come in a wide range of gallon capacities. If you're not sure how many gallons you need for your water heater tank, follow our guidelines to figure it out:

Ask yourself how many people, showers, and bathtubs there are in your household, whether you have a dishwasher, and whether you have a washing machine. For every person in your home and every fixture or appliance, give yourself a point and add them up.

4 points or less – You need a 30-gallon gas water heater or a 40-gallon electrical water heater.
5 to 6 points – You need a 40-gallon gas water heater or a 50-gallon electrical water heater.
7 points – You need a 40-gallon gas water heater or a 65-gallon electrical water heater.
8 points – You need a 50-gallon gas water heater or a 65-gallon electrical water heater.
9 points and above – You need a 50-gallon gas water heater or an 80-gallon electrical water heater.



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