Determining Efficiency On Your Hot Water Heater

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How do I know how efficient a hot water heater will be?

Determining Efficiency On Your Hot Water Heater

Efficiency is an important part of your hot water heater. When considering efficiency, look for two factors – the energy factor and the first hour rating. The energy factor or EF measures how well your hot water heater converts energy into heat and how well it stores it. A good EF factor is close to 1. The first hour rating or FHR lets you know how many gallons of water per minute, your hot water heater can deliver to your shower, sink, or other fixture. If you're considering a gas hot water heater, you'll find most models tend to deliver a higher FHR.



5/21/2015 9:24:15 AM
Mike Martinez said:

A water needs to be more efficient to work for a long time. The EF factor information given by you is very correct. I will keep coming back to your site to read and learn more.


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